Below we have compiled a list of FAQ's. If your question is not answered below please feel free to email and/or call us.
Is a professional travel agent available to help me in making my travel plans?
Yes. If you have any questions or need assistance in making your travel plans, you can contact your professional travel agent. How do I change my customers flight after I have purchased their tickets? You will need to contact us at the email or phone number listed on the contact us page. International tickets can be changed subject to airline restrictions, penalties and any difference in fare. Some International Discounted fares are refundable before departure with a fee. Domestic tickets are non-refundable, however, domestic tickets may be reissued subject to airline fees and any fare increase.Is my credit card number safe?
We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Private Communication Technology security standards that are supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later and other popular browsers. SSL encodes your personal information such as your password, address and phone number, or your credit card number. so that it is available only to the travel agent who will help make sure your travel planning goes smoothly. This encryption makes doing business over the Internet as secure as making a purchase by telephone.
What if my Credit Card is rejected?
your card is rejected for any reason, we'll notify you that the tickets cannot be issued. Tickets are not purchased until the credit card is charged. Your reservation will be cancelled. You will need to rebook your reservation using another Credit Card. Your reservation will be subject to availability.
Is my personal information sold to other companies?
No. Personal information collected which is necessary to the process of making a booking is not sold to second or outside parties. We are committed to protecting your privacy and developing technology that gives you the most powerful and safe online experience that you can get anywhere.
How will I know I have a confirmed reservation and a seat assignment?
To be sure you have a seat assignment, arrive at the airport at least 1 hour before your flight's departure and check in promptly. Whether you use a paper ticket or an e-ticket, early check-in is necessary.
How will my tickets be delivered?
All tickets are sent via FedEx and the tracking numbers are entered into the manage bookings area. All paper tickets will be delivered to the Travel Agents address listed in your profile.
What is the baggage limit per passenger?
Check-In baggage: 2 bags weighing 70 pounds each
Cabin baggage: 1 bag weighing approximately 15 pounds and 1 hand purse.